Submitted by wessels on

Collection Period

 participant |       mbytes       | queries_millions 
 a-root      |            121,844 |          3,443
 b-root      |             92,193 |          2,425
 c-root      |            147,095 |          4,167
 d-root      |            100,451 |          2,749
 e-root      |             83,081 |          2,381
 f-root      |            169,347 |          5,094
 g-root      |             69,189 |          2,063
 h-root      |             91,844 |          2,565
 i-root      |            147,257 |          4,381
 j-root      |            114,531 |          3,586
 k-root      |            129,223 |          3,685
 l-root      |             86,203 |          2,450
 m-root      |            120,908 |          3,362

DITL 2010 took place from April 13 — 16. We collected data for a 57 hour period that covered the deployment of the Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone (DURZ) to 5 of the 13 root server letters. This data collection is particularly noteworthy because it is the first time that we've been able to collect data from all of the 13 root server letters.

Data Contributors

Contributor Data
Afilias .SE, .ORG, .INFO, AS112
ARL H-root
Autonomica I-root
Cogent C-root
DOD-NIC G-root
ICANN L-root
ISC F-root, Recursive
Level3 Recursive BIND query logs
NaMeX AS112
NASA E-root .NO, recursive
NIC Chile .CL
Nominet .UK
Qwest AS112
Registro.BR .BR
RIPE K-root
Switch .CH, .LI, .AR, .PY, .LU, .CAT, .AERO AS112
U13 Recursive
UMD D-root
USC/ISI B-root
VeriSign A-root, J-root
WIDE M-root, AS112

Coverage Maps

Raw Data


The I-root data from Autonomica has anonymized source IP addresses due to privacy regulations within the country of that data's origin. There were a number of mini-DITL collections happening in 2010, focused around the transition of the root zone to becoming signed with DNSSEC. The DURZ (Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone) was incrementally rolled out to the 13 root server letters. Each time another set of servers deployed the DURZ, there was a mini-DITL collection with only root server participants. The April 13 collection is the only one with non-root participants and the one with the highest number of root participants.

Between November 15 and 21 2013, some clean-up operations were performed on A- and J- OARC DITL data to remove non-root data that had been previously uploaded to the RAW dataset. This was upon request by the contributor of that data, with OARC's prior agreement, and is consistent with established OARC practices. DITL data when first submitted to OARC is in "RAW" format. This is as directly uploaded, may not be aligned on timestamps, and may contain data other than DNS queries to the services under measurement. The process of converting from RAW to CLEAN involves removing non-relevant data and aligning the data on timestamps. CLEAN copies of data existed for all primary DITL collection dates. CLEAN data did not exist for some mini-DITL DURZ dates, and for some non-root services. The following steps were performed in the clean-up operation:

  • On November 15, OARC agreed to clean-up operations.
  • On November 15, permissions on the /mnt/*/DITL*/RAW directories were changed to no longer be world-readable.
  • On November 17, scripts were started to make sure that there were MD5 checksums for *all* DITL files (both RAW and CLEAN). The last of these was completed by November 21. These exist at /mnt/oarc-pool?/MD5s
  • On November 20, cleaning scripts were started for DITL dates 2010-03-02, 2010-05-04, and 2010-05-25, because the CLEAN data for these dates did not already exist. This was initially done for A-root and J-root only and completed by November 21. Later the CLEAN data was created for the other servers as well.
  • On November 20, A- and J-Root RAW data was removed from these directories:
    • /mnt/oarc-pool2/DITL-20130528/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-200803/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20100209/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20100302/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20110412/RAW
  • On November 21, A- and J-Root RAW data was removed from these directories:
    • /mnt/oarc-pool3/DITL-20100504/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool3/DITL-20100525/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20100413/RAW
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20120417/RAW
  • The A- and J-Root CLEAN data is at:
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20100413/CLEAN/a-root
    • /mnt/oarc-pool3/DITL-20100504/CLEAN/a-root
    • /mnt/oarc-pool3/DITL-20100525/CLEAN/a-root
    • /mnt/oarc-pool4/DITL-20100413/CLEAN/j-root
    • /mnt/oarc-pool3/DITL-20100504/CLEAN/j-root
    • /mnt/oarc-pool3/DITL-20100525/CLEAN/j-root
  • On December 4, permissions on the /mnt/*/DITL*/RAW directories were changed to once again be world-readable. This completed the clean-up operations.

Access To Data

DNS-OARC members can acess DITL data on the OARC analysis server. Please contact the OARC Admin for more information.