Submitted by admin on

Collection Period

This year's collection period took place between April 13 to April 15, 2015. For the first time, DNS-OARC set a record in terms of volume collected, as well as variety: Contributions for the AS112 project as well as in.addr-arpa and its IPv6 counterpart were included.

 participant |       mbytes       | queries_millions 
 a-root      |            284,238 |          7,029
 afilias     |            281,346 |          6,415
 apnic       |            166,770 |          4,212
 as112-yow   |              5,579 |            140
 b-root      |            156,809 |          3,963
 c-root      |            225,272 |          5,904
 cira        |             18,099 |            476
 cznic       |             61,881 |          1,734
 eesti       |              1,345 |             40
 f-root      |            268,889 |          6,694
 h-root      |             98,304 |          2,439
 hivane      |             14,755 |            441
 i-root      |            307,980 |          8,467
 iedr        |              1,499 |             41
 iis         |              7,502 |            217
 isc112      |             43,043 |          1,062
 j-root      |            132,578 |          3,760
 k-root      |            238,283 |          5,926
 l-root      |            331,751 |          8,993
 m-root      |            185,159 |          4,777
 nethelp     |              7,440 |            117
 niccl       |             14,915 |            389
 nzrs        |             24,698 |            283
 tix-or-tz   |                 52 |              2
 uninett     |              5,930 |             75
 wide        |             10,478 |            294

Coverage Maps

2015 DITL Coverage

Summary Reports

Summary reports may be found here.


The I-root data from Autonomica has anonymized source IP addresses due to privacy regulations within the country of that data's origin. For k.root, RIPE NCC’s contribution to DITL 2015 is comprised of the following datasets: -, available in files under * - AS112 pcaps, available in files under - and, available in files under * The following data is missing: - was down during the DITL 2015 collection window - was down due to a power outage from 20150413T090359Z to 20150414T055425Z - ns[123] were not collecting due to storage constraints - from 20140413T1100Z to 20140413T1459Z due to human error The B-root data's source IPs are anonymized (last 8 bits for IPv4 and last 32 bits for IPv6).

Access To Data

DNS-OARC members can access DITL data on the DNS-OARC analysis servers. Please contact the DNS-OARC Admin for more information.